Saturday, February 05, 2011

Feels like God

You know that feeling you get when you get a phone call from a close friend or relative that you haven’t talked to in a long time and they call to ask you for a favor. Sure you care about this person. You would gladly do the favor and more. But you just wish at the back of your mind that they would call up more often. Like when they don’t have a favor to ask. Just to check on how you are doing. Just because they thought about you and felt like taking. Just to let you know that they care.

And then you realize how often you have done the same thing. How often you don’t have the time or energy for your friends and family. Just to check on how they are doing. Just because you thought about them and felt like taking. Just to let them know that you care.

And then you realize that's what it must feel like to be God, to be Almighty and yet thirst.

Well, profound isn't it, the thoughts that a telephone can evoke. God certainly has a sense of humor!